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Hollon Safe Press Release
1 Feb 2012 | No Comments | posted by Fullers | in Blog, Industry News, Safes
Hollon Safe Introduces New Reserve Gun Safe
Hollon Safe Company introduces their new gun safe line, The Reserve. The Reserve was created to help the locksmith compete with the “Big Box” retailers with competitive pricing, thicker steel & more fireproofing than what most of these stores offer. The entire safe is made of 10 gauge steel, which is 30% thicker than 12 gauge. Most “Big Box” retailers carry 14-16 gauge which makes the Reserve steel 100% thicker.
The safe comes standard with a La Gard dial on it but can be retro fit with any electronic lock as it has a standard foot print. Hollon Safe has decided to go with Sargeant & Greenleaf’s 6120 but other options are available if this does not suit you. The Reserve has 1 inch bolts around the entire door and offers one hour of fire protection for up to 1250 degrees Fahrenheit. It comes in a black powder coat finish with chrome lettering, 5 spoke handle & lock which are sure to grab the attention of your customers. Hollon also offers a life time fire & burglary warranty on the safe.
Some other features of the Reserve include; a spring loaded re-locker to prevent punch attacks, the door offers three layers of fireboard, totaling 1.5 inch thickness on the door an 1 inch thickness on the body, and is surrounded by a heat activated expandable intumescent door seal designed to seal out smoke and water along with predrilled anchor holes for added security. Hollon Safe has had huge success with these gun safes since helping locksmiths compete against online retailers and “Big Box” retailers.
Hollon Safe is reaching its three year anniversary and has had less than .025% warranty issues with their safes. They have proven to be a strong contender in the industry and we expect to see a lot more from Hollon Safe in the years to come. As a family owned and operated company, Hollon Safes is determined to produce high quality and reliable safes with excellent customer service and great value.
-Hollon Safe Company